Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Nutrition Week

Everything you eat becomes a part of not only your inner being but the outer part of your fabric as well. The food we eat have measurable effect on the body’s performance, they prove to have even more critical influence on how the brain handles its task. But today we live in such a time, where even if we want to have a healthy lifestyle, we can’t because of the heavy food adulteration that takes place in the market.

From basic salt to oil, fruits to vegetable everything is adulterated, thus taking this issue further CRY’s Public Action Group in Bandra decided to make a presentation about it and shared their concern with the fellow parents.

Enthusiastic volunteers were all eager to make a difference. The day begun with everyone giving a short introduction of themselves and later preparing themselves for the upcoming presentation with zeal and zest.

Being their first interaction with the parents there was a little bit anxiousness in the atmosphere, but like they say it’s good to be a little bit nervous.

With the last minute banter like making small notes, a final technical check, keeping all the apparatus ready for the experiments, they were all ready for what was coming ahead. Who would have thought that the things we learnt in our school days was coming in handy to reach out to these parents through the chilly brick experiment and the sugar chalk powder experiment.

At the final hour, anxiously waiting for the parents to arrive we had a lot of questions going through our mind: Did the children inform their parents about the session? What if nobody turns up? Is the timing suitable for the parents? Nevertheless these questions began to fade when the parents started to arrive at the venue. A sense of relief is what we felt when we started our session with around twenty parents.

The presentation started with informing the parents about different type of adulteration wrt to quality as well as quantity. We taught them various tricks as to how to detect adulterated food products be it milk, sugar, chilly powder etc.  We had a 10 minute break wherein refreshment was provided and also any doubts wrt the experiments were answered.  The second session started with talking about different food and the nutrient value they contain. Different components of food were explained like carbohydrate, vitamins, fats and protein. They were explained the advantages of using different types of oil apart from explaining the importance of having a healthy breakfast.

 The session concluded with a Q&A round, where various questions were raised by these concerned parents which were solved by the volunteers.  At the end the parents thanked us for holding this session and said they were looking forward to attend more of such sessions.

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